Video: 2021 S.F. Edge Trophy highlights | 78th Members’ Meeting

16th October 2021
Ethan Jupp

The hair-brained specials of the S.F. Edge Trophy with their aero engines, their open manifolds and their steampunk bodywork are one of the great spectacles of the Members' Meeting and this year's running was no exception.

Different though they may look compared to the racers of today, these monsters were pushed as hard as the rest here at 78MM, as perfectly exemplified by Hughie Walker in the Theophile Schneider Aero chasing down Julian Majzub in his Sunbeam. Majzub is never one to back down from a challenge but the sheer pace and pressure Walker had in the Aero was enough to make the move. It was down to the wire even on the last corner...

  • S.F. Edge Trophy

  • Members Meeting

  • 78MM

  • Highlights

  • Video

  • Pre-War

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Members' Meeting

Video: 2021 S.F. Edge Trophy highlights | 78th Members’ Meeting

16th October 2021


Members' Meeting

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Race Report: 2021 S.F. Edge Trophy Part 2 | 78th Members’ Meeting

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Gallery: The ferocious pre-war behemoths of the S.F. Edge Trophy

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Members' Meeting

Video: 75MM S.F. Edge Trophy highlights

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