The Kennels

Quiz Night

Member exclusive
20th March 2025

Sharpen your pencils and get ready to take on the opposing teams for a spot of friendly rivalry at The Kennels Quiz Night.

£40 per person

Quiz Night

£40 per person

Sharpen your pencils and get ready to take on the opposing teams for a spot of friendly rivalry at The Kennels Quiz Night.

  • The Kennels
  • group
    Maximum teams of six


Sharpen your pencils and get ready to take on the opposing teams for a spot of friendly rivalry at The Kennels Quiz Night.

Our quizmaster, Jamie Rockall is ready to test your general knowledge on topics ranging from sport, geography, current affairs and a few wild cards.

While you exercise your brain cells you can enjoy a delicious two-course dinner.

So don't miss out on the opportunity to connect with fellow members and have a great time.

The top three winning teams will recieve a bottle of Ridgeview English Sparkling Wines. 

For more information, please call 01243 755132 or email

What's included?

  • Entry to event
  • Two-course dinner
  • Pre-dinner snacks