5 Mile Hillclimb Training Plan

31st May 2022

With the 5 mile Hillclimb run fast approaching, our wellbeing coaches at the Goodwood Health Club have put together a 4 week training plan to kick-start you training for the big day.

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In addition to the training plan, make sure you read our wellbeing personal trainer, Matt Jolly's tips and tricks for preparing for the Hillclimb run. 

  Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4
Monday Steady run/walk 20 mins, this can either be on a treadmill or outside

Steady run/walk 25 mins

Steady run/walk 30 mins

Steady run/walk 35 mins

Run uphill (500m) and walk down to recover, repeat this four times.

Core exercises followed by stretching

Run uphill (500m) and walk down to recover, repeat this five times.

Core exercises followed by stretching
Wednesday Rest Rest Rest Rest

Tempo Run
5 mins warm up
20 mins tempo
5 mins cool down

5 mins warm up
60 seconds run, 60 seconds walk x 5
5 mins cool-down

Tempo run
5 mins warm up
25 minutes tempo
5 mins cool-down

5 min warm-up
60 seconds run, 60 seconds walk x 6
5 mins cool-down






Saturday Endurance run – slow constant pace 30 mins, flat route Endurance run - slow constant pace 35 mins, rolling route Endurance run - slow constant pace 45 mins, flat route Endurance run – slow constant pace 35 mins, rolling route
Sunday Rest Rest Rest Rest
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