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Randox Health

Since 1982, Randox’s mission has been to warp the nation’s perception of healthcare from sickness management to proactive prevention using timely, accurate health checks easily accessible throughout the UK.

With over 8 million samples tested last year and counting, we’ve built a community that treasures insight rather than hindsight.  


What We Offer

Most Popular Testing

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DNA Nutrition & Lifestyle

Explore the relationship between your nutrition, lifestyle, and genetic make-up to understand your body’s predetermined preferences.

Analysing 40 genes with a simple blood test, measure your risk of cardiovascular disease, sensitivity to caffeine, muscle mass and much more.  


Future Lab

Over the last few years, Randox have been hosting Goodwood’s own innovation pavilion, The Future Lab.

Not only can you see the pride of pioneers working in science & tech here, but you can also listen to their stories and current curiosities via the Future Lab podcast, brought to you by Randox.  


Everyman | Everywoman

Our full-body health MOT. Everyman | Everywoman provides 2 health checks in 1 year under 1 price.  

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