Volkswagen teases game-changing EV

05th March 2021
Ethan Jupp

Volkswagen has teased an all-electric saloon due for release in 2026, with some incredible big claims that if true, would make it a total gamechanger. Project Trinity as it’s currently known is said to lead the market in terms of range, rate of charge and digitalisation. We’ll take the first two and run, though we’ve already expressed our thoughts on digitisation…


In particular, that point about charging speed could make Trinity the EV we’ve been looking for all along. In the release, Volkswagen CEO Ralf Brandstätter says: “Trinity is a sort of crystallisation point for our ACCELERATE strategy, a lighthouse project, our software dream car”. He goes on to say, as above, that “the newly developed vehicle architecture will set standards in terms of range, charging speed (“charging as fast as refuelling”) and digitalisation”. Yes, you read the bit in brackets right. Charging as fast as refuelling. Is Volkswagen claiming that you’ll be able to juice up Trinity’s battery at the same rate as you might fill your petrol car with a tank of fuel? It sure sounds like it...

The use of the Trinity name here stands for three crucial themes: a new electronics and software platform, simplification of supply and fully intelligent and networked production. In short, a revolutionary new car that’s simpler and smarter to produce. “We will completely rethink the way we build cars and introduce revolutionary approaches,” Brandstätter says. “Digitalisation, automation and lightweight construction play an important role here.”

It’ll have advanced Level 4 autonomous capabilities, with a neural network developing to allow cars to communicate on things like obstacles and accidents on the route ahead. Trinity will also have a reduced line-up of versions and options at the point of purchase. Hardware will be standardised, with buyers having the ability to activate features throughout their ownership via the so-called “digital ecosystem”.

So what is Trinity then? It sounds like Volkswagen’s Tesla: a (so-called) autonomous, software-driven, far-driving, super quick charging car for the future. Colour us curious. And because it’s Volkswagen, we’ll hold them to that 2026 debut.

  • Volkswagen

  • EV

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