It needed 606 takes, took 10 days to make and was originally shown on TV only 10 times in April 2003, but since then it has gone down in television history as one of the advertising greats. Who would have thought a 120-second film of a deconstructed Honda Accord could make such riveting viewing?
Now Honda’s award-winning Cog ad, a short film following a chain of colliding parts in perfect mechanical harmony, is being remade – by you. ITV has selected the film as one of the ads it is reshowing as part of its People's Ad Break and is asking viewers to recreate the ad in their own fun way. The best will be shown during the ad breaks on Britain's Got Talent on the May 23rd.
The Cog advert is the only car ad of the five selected (the others to have a go at if so inclined are ads from Aldi, Haribo, Walkers and Weetabix). “We’re looking forward to seeing some of our favourite ads reimagined!” says ITV. But if you want to make your own Cog ad you’ll have to be quick… submissions close at 16:00 on May 8th 2020.
It’s great that we can see this brilliant ad again, but where would you start in re-creating it? Beats us. One bit of advice for would-be filmmakers comes from Honda UK president Jean-Marc Streng: “We would not recommend them taking their car apart…”