GRR Garage: We’re getting an Alfa Romeo Stelvio Quadrifoglio

06th September 2019
Ben Miles

We normally like to take a completely different direction with our long-termers when it comes time to change over. In the past we’ve moved from an SUV to a Caterham, from a pick-up to a hot hatch. This time we’ll let you decide how big a difference we’re making.


Hot on the heels of our time in an extra-comfortable Lexus UX, we’re ratcheting the speed up a few notches. Going from a 2.0-litre petrol-electric hybrid crossover to a 3.0-litre turbocharged petrol V6 producing 510bhp. So what is our new beast? Nothing other than the Alfa Romeo Stelvio Quadrifoglio.


Alfa Romeo hold a special place in the hearts of anyone who loves cars. Which is a massive cliché, but very, very true. So a few years ago when it announced it was to join the throngs of manufacturers bowing to the need to produce an SUV, there was a collective intake of breath from the motoring world. It was with great fortune that the Stelvio turned out to look pretty darn good. Then they released the Quadrifoglio (it means four leaves – it’s much more exciting in Italian) and we slightly lost our minds.

Here at last was an exciting, fast, and hopefully brilliant to drive SUV that absolutely looked the part. The Stelvio QV (I’m not writing Quadrifoglio every time) looks amazing, it’s all angular and brutal, so it feels like calling it an Alfa Romeo isn’t doing the badge a disservice. So when Alfa Romeo offered us one for a few months, we couldn’t say yes fast enough.


‘Our’ Stelvio will be white (not the classic Alfa red you see here), perfect for a long hot summer (or at least the end of it), fitted with the fancy carbon-fibre seats, a nice black interior with accents of white and green, and there’s not a lot else to say about it.

We’ll be updating you as usual on it, and attempting at some point to try and get more than 25mpg… wish us luck.

  • GRR Garage

  • Alfa Romeo

  • Stelvio

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