Video: Getting thrown around in Peugeot's Dakar winner

04th January 2017
Ethan Jupp

Cockpits in racing machinery have been getting more complicated for years. Computerisation has made for safer, more reliable and more powerful racing cars, but their cabins look closer in relation to that of a space shuttle than something fast and four-wheeled. 

And what a fine example of this modern breed the Peugeot 2008 DKR16 featured in the above on board video is! Once you’ve deduced that Marty McFly isn’t taking it to 88mph, you realise that the pace multiple Dakar winner Stéphane Peterhansel is demonstrating is as mad as the big Pug looks. You can just make out on one of the digital readouts that it’s spending most of its time well above 88. With proceedings very obviously occurring off-asphalt, that pace is often vertical too. Compared with its distant 205 Group B relatives, it's as much a world away as it is a chip off the old block!

  • Peugeot

  • 2008 dkr

  • Dakar

  • Dakar 2016

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