80th anniversary of D-Day commemorated at the Goodwood Revival

10th September 2024
Rachel Roberts

On Sunday afternoon at the 2024 Revival, the historic racing took a pause as we commemorated the 80th anniversary of D-Day with Goodwood’s largest ever gathering of World War II vehicles.

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The Allied Forces’ invasion of Normandy on the 6th June 1944 was a pivotal turning point in the war. Closer to home, RAF Westhampnett was used as a base for fighter aircraft which provided support and protection to the landing troops. Four years later, the airfield’s perimeter road was transformed into the Goodwood Motor Circuit, and so 80 years on it was a poignant occasion to witness the incredible parade of over 100 vehicles including tanks, Willys Jeeps and bikes.

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It was an honour to have been joined for the parade by Navy veteran John Dennett and Coastal Forces veteran George Chandler, who were driven around the track in a Rolls-Royce Wraith Staff Car, FLD 99, used by Field Marshal Montgomery, and was the first civilian-made vehicle to disembark onto the beaches at D-Day.

Each day at Revival saw an air-display courtesy of a Spitfire, P51 Mustang and a P47 Thunderbolt, and Sunday’s parade highlighted an array of ground machines which included the legendary Sherman Tank, the M36 Jackson "Tank Destroyer,” GMC lorries and their relations, the DUKW ‘Duck’ amphibious vehicle vital in transporting equipment and personnel over The Channel.

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All of the machines involved lined up together on the track, before The Duke of Richmond gave a speech on the history of D-Day, speaking on its significance and expressing gratitude to the veterans. A minute of silent reflection followed, before the full vehicle parade took off around the Motor Circuit, led by the bikes. There was even a boat present – the British Power Boat Company MA/SB 27 – meaning each of the forces of land, air, and sea were represented.

To take in the scale of the machines all together was truly a spectacular sight, for everyone present at the Revival to commemorate a landmark day in history.

Photography by Nick Wilkinson and Jordan Butters.

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