Video: Michele Mouton flies in her Group B Audi Quattro S2

10th July 2020
Ben Miles

Michele Mouton is an absolute motorsport icon. It is mind-blowing that in 2020 she remains the last woman to rally, and especially win, in the WRC. Which makes the ability to see her back in her old steed even more special.

Mouton and the Audi Quattro were very well acquainted in the Group B era, she took all of her four WRC rallies wins in Quattros, and finished second in one in the 1982 championship. So when she’s back in the ultimate version, the S2, at the Festival of Speed presented by Mastercard, there’s bound to be fireworks. And back in 1999, Michele was holding nothing back. Accompanied by that amazing chirp and burble of the five-cylinder engine, Mouton hurls the S2 Quattro up the 1.16-mile Hill with abandon. It looks awesome and if anything it sounds even better.

  • Audi

  • Quattro

  • WRC

  • Michele Mouton

  • Group B

  • FOS

  • FOS 1999

  • 1999

  • Video

  • Hillclimb Action


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