Farnborough Airspace Changes

05th February 2020

On the 27 February 2020, there will be a number of changes to Farnborough Airspace.  This is essential reading for anyone that flies. 

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  • Goodwood Aerodrome


Please note: The picture above is not suitable for navigation purposes

On the 27 February, there will be a number of changes to airspace immediately around the Farnborough area.  Class D Control Zones (designated CTR 1 & 2) are introduced around Farnborough airport with additional Class D Control Areas (CTA 1 – 9) providing contiguous controlled airspace further from the airport.   In addition two areas of Class E airspace are introduced relatively close proximity to Goodwood. CTA 9 sits, mostly, above the Goodwood Air Traffic Zone, and CTA 8 is to the North West of the ATZ.   Pilots are asked to familiarise themselves with the requirements for flight in Class E airspace, as the two areas of Class E will be a Transponder Mandatory Zone (TMZ).  There is no change to the Class D Solent CTA-6 immediately to the east of Southampton which adjoins the Farnborough CTA-8.

The link to the AIC which details the Farnborough Airspace Changes, including the transit frequency for VFR/SVFR traffic, is here.

The link to the AIC which provides details of changes to SSR Transponder Code procedures is here.

Please note that the new issue of the 1:500 000 VFR Chart (Southern England and Wales) will be published on the 27 February 2020, the same day that the Airspace changes go live, so if you’re planning a flight on or after the 27 February, please ensure that you have read and understood how the changes may affect your journey. If you have any questions or concerns at all about the Airspace changes, feel free to contact the Goodwood Air Traffic team who will be delighted to help.

Solent CTA-3 and CTA-5 airspace infringement ‘hot spot’

In addition to the Farnborough Airspace changes, a timely reminder has been issued on the Airspace and Safety website about how to plan and avoid an infringement of Solent Airspace to the west of Goodwood. Please take some time to read through the guidance and help us to support a reduction in airspace infringements of the Solent CTA. The link to the Solent ‘hot spot’ information is here.

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